Add details to an Associate Product

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Add details to an Associate Product

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Add details to an Associate Product


The Associate Product Details allows you to add additional parameters for the products such as Size and Colour.


To add Parameters to an associates Product:


1.Click the clip0456icon to access the associate products details page.


Access the associate productsclip0457


2.Click the Add new parameter link.


Parameter link



3.Fill in the parameters as follows:


Associate Products test associateclip0459


Name:  Name of parameter that you want to appear to user.


Description:  For own use not seen by user.


Order:  NONE -Ascending- Descending - Will appear to the user in order specified.


Price Control:  Represents which parameter is used for the pricing. Only one of the parameters can be chosen.


Image Control:  Represents which parameter is used for the image. Only one of the parameters can be chosen.


Min Qty Control:  the minimum order that will be processed


Associate product



4.Save the new Parameter by clicking on the Insert link on the bottom of the screen.


You can edit the Associate product details by clicking on the edit icon clip0461 next to the Associate product.


Once you have set the parameter for your Associate product a “Child” record must be created under the parameter; this allows us to add further details for each parameter.