Creating a Company

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Creating a Company

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Creating a Company



The Go ePower Producer application supports multiple Themes, allowing the producer to select the relevant Themes for different Company. The display you see maybe slightly different from the example depending on the Theme that is being used.


To create a company:


1.From the main menu click Backend.


Figure 25 Main menu




1.On the top of the Orders queue page select Manage>Manage Companies

2.To create a company click the Add new company link.


Figure 26 Companies list







3.Type the company information in the Create New Company page and click Save.

4.Fill in the information as it pertains to the company (see table below for an explanation of the fields in the Company Details page.


Figure 27 Company Details



The Company details page includes the following fields and selections:


Figure 28 Company Details Form


(Required) Name of the company

Display Name

Name of the Company to Display

Contact Name

Company’s Contact

Account ID

Account  Identification Number

Date Created

Displays the time and date the company was create


Allows you to upload a banner to display for the company


Allows you to upload a logo to display for the company


Company Address (shown in confirmation )


Company City


Company Province

Postal Code

Company Postal Code


Company Country


Company Phone


Company Fax


(Required) Company Email (Used as reply address for generated emails)

Home Button URL

URL that home button will link to


Company Web Address

Producer Notes

Allows for the Producer to make note on the company

Thumbnail fit

How the Thumbnail will be sized

Large Thumbnail

Default Large Thumbnail size for all products, can be changed per product (Default: 240 pixels)

Small Thumbnail

Default Small Thumbnail size for all products (Default: 120 pixels)

Public Thumbnail

Default Thumbnail size for Public products (Default: 120 pixels)

Assoc. Thumbnail

Default Thumbnail size for Associate products (Default: 250 pixels)

Credit Limit ($)

Company Credit Limit (Default: 0 means no credit)


Companies cannot be deleted, they can be hidden by deactivating them (Default: Checked)

Master Page

Master Page controls the whole look and layout of the site, select from the available ones.


2.Horizontal Menu

3.Default Buttons

4.Vertical Banner

5.... and more


Themes control the look, fonts and colours of the application, select from the following

Different Themes available based on the  master page that is selected

Product Layout

Product Layout controls the look and Layout of the page the products are displayed: (see Chapter 4 Catalogue for samples)



2.Fixed Grid




6.Tool tips

Product Layout

Controls how the products will be displayed in the company’s catalogue.

Products Per Line

No of products per line in Catalogue from 1 to 5.

Products Table Width

Width of product table in pixels default is 660. This setting is ignored if Cell Width and Height are other than 0

Product Cell Width

Leave at 0 for automatic calculation

Product Cell Height

Leave at 0 for automatic calculation

Sort Order

Product Sort Order, select one of the following:

1.None – Displayed in the order they are added

2.By Product Name (Default)

3.By Product SKU

Email Design

Email design lets you control the position of Banners or logos in outgoing emails to customers:


1.Banner Top

2.Banner Left

3.Banner Right

4.Logo Top

5.Logo Left

6.Logo Right

Start up page

Controls the landing page after Log in

Startup Page

Displays  the Page customers will see when they first log in.

1.Home Page


Display Method

Shows  how the products will be displayed for the company and the user.

1.By Catalogue ( default)

2.By User

Email Design

Select layout for email sent for order confirmation and notification:

1.Banner Top (Default)

2.Banner Left

3.Banner Right

4.Logo Top

5.Logo Left

6.Logo Right

Show Catalogue Folders

Show the current catalogue above the products list, select from:

1.None (Default)

2.Auto Image – Show Catalogue images laid out centred

3.Auto Text – Show Catalogue text laid out automatically

4.Image and Text – Show both images and text left aligned

5.Image Only – Show images only left aligned

6.Text Only – Show text only left aligned

Folders Per Line

Number of catalogue folders per line, choose from 0 to 11 (Default 5)

Catalogue Tree

Select one of the following for the catalogue tree structure:

1.Text Only – Show Text only (Default)

2.Image and Text – Show both Images and Text

Allow Sign In

Allow users to sign in or not

Show forgot password

Displays link for retrieving a forgotten password

Enable Search

Enable Product search (Default: checked –allowed)


Controls if the company site is has a Gatekeeper  (Default: Unchecked – no Gatekeeper) see Gatekeeper for more information


Dealer is a second level Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper must be enabled inorder to enable Dealers - see Gatekeeper section for more informatioin

Can Gatekeeper edit

Controls if Gatekeeper can edit orders

Display Prices

Controls displaying Prices for all the site (Default: Unchecked – not shown)

Allow Over Withdrawal

When inventory is exceeded, this control allows over withdrawal if checked. Applies only to Inventoried products

Show Public Products

Displays the Create New Job menu option when Checked (Default: Unchecked)

Show Dashboard

Show links shortcuts when checked (Default: Unchecked)

Show Last Orders

Show the last or recent orders panel on the first page after log-in. (Default: Unchecked) choose from 0 to 3 (Default 3)

Hide Cart

Controls showing or hiding the shopping cart (Default: Unchecked – show cart)

Hide Delete Button

Show/Hide the delete job (item) in cart (Default: Unchecked – show button)

Hide Price in Cart

Show/Hide prices in cart (Default: Unchecked – show)

Hide Total in Cart

Show/Hide total prices in cart (Default: Unchecked – show)

Wrap Product Name

Wrap product name Show/Hide prices in cart

Product Characters Limit

No of characters of the product name in the cart

Cart Width

Cart width in pixels


Click Update to save the company.