Customizing Welcome pages

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Customizing Welcome pages

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Customizing Welcome pages


Go ePower allows you to customize the Companies Welcome pages. This allows your customers to be introduced to your company prior to logging into the site and being personally addressed once they have logged in.


To customize your companies welcome messages:


1. From the backend menu select Manage >Manage Companies.

2. Select the Edit Icon   next to the company you want to customize welcome messages for.

3.Click the Welcome Button on the top of the Company Details page.

4.Click on the message link for the message you wish to edit.


Authenticated Message edits the home page the company’s users will see after they log in with their user name and password

Unauthenticated Message edits the login page for the company




UnAuthenticated Messages

UnAuthenticated Top Message

Message appears to the top of the Dashboard for unauthenticated user

UnAuthenticated Bottom Message

Message appears to the bottom of the Dashboard for unauthenticated user

Authenticated Messages

Common Top Message

Message appears to the top of the Dashboard for authenticated user

Manager Message

Message for users of Manager role

Gatekeeper Message

Message for users of Gatekeeper role

Instructor Message

Message for users of Instructor role

Customer Message

Message for users of Customer role (Almost all users)

Common Bottom Message

Message appears to the bottom of the Dashboard for authenticated user


5.Type your message directly into the message editor

6.Use the editor to customize your log in page message.

The editor has 2 modes:

Design view - Use all the attributes and tools on the editor to format text, add a date, create tables, justify content, add images and add flash.  Click Update to save.

HTML view  - Use to add html content. Click Update to save.

Preview .


Use the design view as follows:

1.Type the message that will be displayed in the text box.

2.Select the font and font size of the text.

3.Click Update for the message to display.